Thursday, 28 June 2012

Day 2 - 27th June 2012

This entry has been written retrospectively.

This morning I felt good, I woke up really early to buy Nicki Minaj tickets for myself, my boyfriend and a good friend who I met in High School.  I was successful in buying tickets, so I cannot wait for the concert!! I then went to have my HD Brow treatment at my regular beauty salon and I'm so pleased with the results.  After having waited 6 weeks since my last treatment they definitely needed doing!! Towards the afternoon I started with a headache which progressively turned into a migraine, but I don't believe this is attached to the diet as I suffer from migraines anyway.  Apparently dull headaches a bit further into the diet are a normal occurrence.

Breakfast: Celebrity Slim Berry Smoothie

Mid-Morning Snack: Celebrity Slim Yoghurt Snack Bar

Lunch: Celebrity Slim Chocolate Flavoured Shake

Afternoon Snack: Apple

Dinner: Steak, Mushrooms and Roasted Vegetables

Evening Snack: Philadelphia Choc Pot and Strawberries

I really loved the Smoothie that I had for breakfast.  I had it straight from the fridge and it was really tasty and a little more filling than the Shakes.  I'm also not normally a fan of chocolate shakes, but the one I had for lunch was great! Nothing too sickly.  The Philadelphia Choc Pot and Strawberries was found from a member of the Celebrity Slim Forum UK, and what a fantastic idea and snack.  I have a real sweet tooth and found this perfect after letting my dinner settle and also as a resistant to temptation of snacking during the evening.  

Diary Update:

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Day 1 - 26th June 2012

Good Morning!

Today is the first day of my Celebrity Slim diet.  I'm feeling really optimistic.  I have a day off from work today but I've been to the Doctors this morning (migraines) and that's my reason for being awake so early! I think by keeping a record of what I eat, I'll also be able to monitor what may be triggering my migraines as I'm yet to find a cause for them.  It will also be interesting to see if they improve or worsen throughout the duration of the diet.

Breakfast: Celebrity Slim Banana Flavoured Shake

Mid-Morning Snack: Nothing

Lunch: Celebrity Slim Strawberry Flavoured Shake

Afternoon Snack: Celebrity Slim Yoghurt Snack Bar

Dinner: Arbroath Hot Smoked Salmon Slices 62.5g and 320g Steamed Vegetables

Evening Snack: Apple

I've really enjoyed everything that I've eaten today.  I wouldn't normally choose salmon for dinner, but it was delicious.  I dashed it with Soy Sauce and it complimented it really well along with the vegetables. I was definitely missing a dessert though so I think I'm going to have to do some research to see if there's anything I'm allowed to have.  Any tips would be much appreciated! I didn't feel hungry during the day at all, but I started to feel hungry in the evening time when I settled down to watch TV, but this is when I would usually snack.  I'm currently feeling pretty optimistic and I'm really looking forward to my next shake!

Diary Update


Good Morning!

This is my first post on my Celebrity Slim Journey blog and the first day of my diet too.  I've tried the Celebrity Slim diet before but not on a serious basis, it was a fleeting decision in an attempt to lose a lot of weight quickly, but soon gave up due to a lack of willpower.

As I appear to have ballooned since Christmas, I am now extremely determine to lose some weight in time for my break away in August (37 days away!).  

In order to keep my motivation levels high, I have decided to write this blog.  I will document my daily intake of shakes, snacks and food also including pictures and recipes to hopefully provide some motivation for fellow dieters, or even encourage those who want to lose a few pounds.  

I must admit, my weight is something that gets me down, and it's now time for a change, but this blog will remain positive as I know a negative attitude will drag me down the wrong path and no doubt it'll end with me and a Domino's Pizza.  

I don't expect to lose a great amount of weight in a short amount of time, but anything to make my jeans feel less tight!

I will also be keeping a record of everything in my Celebrity Slim Food Diary which I will post each day too along with my (hopeful) progress.  This came free with my Starter Pack.

Here are my Stats!
  • Weight: 12 Stone 10 Pounds
  • Height: 5 Foot 4 Inches
  • Upper Left Arm: 13.5 Inches
  • Waist: 37 Inches
  • Hips: 40 Inches
  • Bust: 41.5 Inches
I hope you enjoy my journey! x